New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor for Pools: Uses, Benefits, and Safety

New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor for Pools: Uses, Benefits, and Safety

New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor for Pools: Uses, Benefits, and Safety

New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor for Pools: Uses, Benefits, and Safety

New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor for Pools is a highly effective chlorine product designed to maintain the cleanliness and safety of your pool water. This granular trichlor is known for its strong sanitizing properties, making it a popular choice among pool owners.

Uses of New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor

This granular trichlor is primarily used for sanitizing and disinfecting pool water. It helps in killing bacteria, algae, and other harmful microorganisms, ensuring your pool remains safe and hygienic for swimming. It can be used for regular chlorination, shocking the pool, and maintaining consistent chlorine levels.



  • Highly effective in killing bacteria and algae
  • Stabilized chlorine, which reduces chlorine loss due to sunlight
  • Granular form allows for easy and accurate dosing
  • Long shelf life when stored properly
  • Can be used for regular chlorination and shock treatment


  • Can cause bleaching if not dissolved properly
  • May increase cyanuric acid levels over time
  • Requires careful handling and storage
  • Can be corrosive to metals and pool equipment if misused

Safety Precautions

When handling New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor, it is important to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents and ensure effective use:

  • Always use gloves and safety goggles when handling the product.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  • Do not mix with other chemicals, as this can cause dangerous reactions.
  • Ensure the product is fully dissolved before adding it to the pool to prevent bleaching and damage to pool surfaces.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.


New Wave Granular 90% Trichlor is an excellent choice for pool owners looking to maintain clean and safe pool water. Its strong sanitizing properties, combined with the convenience of granular form, make it a reliable and effective product. However, it is important to follow the recommended safety precautions and usage guidelines to maximize its benefits and minimize potential risks.

For more information or to purchase, visit our product page.

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